Hartford, CT: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January 2023 through June 2023 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Survey results indicate a change in sentiment, as market activity conditions for industrial appear to be shifting from a very active market to stable market conditions. Market conditions for the office sector continue to be challenging. Notwithstanding the decrease in activity and changes in expectations for the industrial sector, the outlook continues to be favorable.
Click Here for the Full Report: SIOR Membership Survey
Hartford, CT: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR has completed its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Survey results were generally consistent with results from the first half of 2022 but do reflect a subtle shift in sentiment for the industrial sector and suggest moderation in the rate of growth. The remote work trend continues to overhang the office sector and negatively affect current activity as well as the prospects for recovery in the future.
Click here for the full report: SIOR Membership Survey
Wallingford, CT: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently hosted a “Greening of Commercial Real Estate” breakfast panel at The Farms Country Club in Wallingford. Approximately 65 real estate professionals were in attendance. David Brownell, Northeast Director of Marketing for PES Structural Engineers, was the moderator for the event. Panelists were David Lehman, DECD Commissioner; Jack Cunningham, Director of Sales for Environmental Solutions Corporation; Peter Ludwig from CT Green Bank; and Kim Morque, President of Spinnaker Real Estate Partners.
Also in attendance and providing a few comments were chapter member and past SIOR Global President Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE; and immediate past SIOR Global President Patrick Sentner, SIOR, FRICS.

L – R: Peter Ludwig, David Brownell, David Lehman, Chapter President Phil Gagnon, SIOR, Jack Cunningham, and Chapter Vice
President Bryan Atherton, CCIM, SIOR
Click her for the full Press Release: Greening of Commercial Real Estate
Essex, CT: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently held its annual Fall meeting at the Essex Yacht Club. Despite the overcast rainy weather, no one’s spirits were dampened given the opportunity to meet at one of the chapter’s favorite venues nestled on the Connecticut River. Highlights for the evening included the induction of new chapter officers; and acknowledging Michael Guidicelli’s, the chapter’s outgoing president, for his leadership over the past few years.

Induction of new officers; L – 2nd to L: Phil Gagnon, President; John Cafasso, Secretary/Treasurer; Acknowledged by; 2nd to R - R: Frank Hird, Past President; and Michael Guidicelli, Outgoing President
Click Here for the Full Press Release: CT & W MA SIOR Chapter Fall Meeting
August, 2022: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR extends a warm thanks to Frosty Smith, CCIM, SIOR, for opening up his home in Milford and hosting a networking event exclusively for CCIM CT and SIOR CT W MA Chapter members and sponsors

Frosty Smith, front and center, is flanked by all in attendance.
Click her for the full Press Release: Frosty Social
February, 2022: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey. The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Consistent with prior survey results, the outlook for the industrial market continues to be positive while the outlook for the office market continues to be negative. Remote working has had a disproportionate impact on the office market as users are evaluating their space needs with a bias towards downsizing versus expansion. Survey results for changes in market conditions during the first half of the year were positive indicating stable market conditions (41%) or improvement (35%) with a limited number of responses indicating a decline (24%). Predictions for the remainder of 2022 are generally positive with members anticipating no change (41%) or forecasting improvement (24%) but do include a notable increase in negative sentiment with expectations of a decline increasing (35%).
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Market Survey 8-15-2022
Branford, CT - The Connecticut / Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial & Office Realtors recently held its summer member meeting and event at Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club. Following a regular quarterly meeting, as the skies were clearing from an earlier seasonal rain, members enjoyed a boat ride aboard the Sea Mist around the beautiful Thimble Islands.

L to R Standing: Frosty Smith, SIOR, CCIM; Bernadette Blaze, Chapter Administrator; Nick Morizio, SIOR, CRE; Tom Pajolek, SIOR; Jeff Ryer, SIOR, CCIM; John Reed, SIOR; Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE; Stephen Press, SIOR; Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM; Frank Hird, SIOR; Bryan Atherton, SIOR, CCIM; Art Ross, SIOR; And knelling L to R: Bruce Wettenstein, SIOR; and Tom Hill, SIOR, CCIM.
Click here for the full Press Release: Chapter Summer Meeting
Middlefield, CT - The Connecticut / Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial & Office Realtors recently held its annual member and sponsor
appreciation golf tournament at Lyman Orchard’s course in Middlefield.

L to R: Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM and Chapter President; Phil Gagnon, SIOR and Chapter Vice President; Nick Morizio, CRE, SIOR; John Jensen, SIOR;
Andrew Zelter, Costar; Tom Ballachino, Axiom Capital; Tom York, SIOR; Vince Laurentino, Marriott Hotels; and Tom Pajolek, SIOR.

L to R: Raymond Kostka, Savings Bank of Danbury; Tom Hill, CCIM, SIOR; Ralph Richard, Savings Bank of Danbury, and Ross Finegold, Savings Bank of Danbury.
Click here for the full Press Release: Lyman Orchards Golf Day
Wallingford, CT - The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently hosted another in its series of lively breakfast panels. “Repurposing to React to a Rapidly Changing Post-Covid Marketplace” was the focus and headline for this session.

L to R: Panelists Adam Winstanley, Rich Lee, Mike Goman, Avner Krohn, and Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM Chapter President
Click Here for the Full Press Release: SIOR Panel Breakfast
February, 2022: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey. The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Consistent with prior survey results the outlook for the industrial market continues to be positive while the outlook for the office market continues to be negative and impacted by COVID related issues. The divergence in market conditions are more clearly reflected in the individual sector results rather than the broader market survey results. Survey results for changes in market conditions during the year were positive with a majority of responses indicating improvement (67%) or stable market conditions (28%) with a limited number of responses indicating a decline (5%). Predictions for 2022 are positive with the majority of members forecasting improvement (57%) or anticipating no change (38%) and limited expectations of a decline (5%).
Click Here for the Full Press Release: SIOR Market Survey
Nashville, TN – Several members of the Connecticut/Western MA Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors recently attended the first in-person world conference in Nashville since the beginning of the pandemic.

Standing L to R: Michael Guidicelli, CCIM, SIOR; Phil Gagnon, SIOR; Frank Hird, SIOR; Tom York, SIOR; Nick Morizio, SIOR, CRE; John Cafasso, CCIM, SIOR; and Mark Duclos SIOR, CRE, FRICS; kneeling L to R: UCONN students Michael DaCosta and Andrew Busick, and Tom Hill, CCIM, SIOR.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR in Nashville
Wallingford, CT – The Connecticut/western MA SIOR Chapter recently hosted a breakfast finance panel event at The Farms Country Club. Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Connecticut, Alexander Van De Minne, led a presentation on several Connecticut submarkets and communities, and provided an update on the various real estate asset classes noting changes and effects resulting from the pandemic.

Panelists L to R; Rich Evans, Community Investment Corp; Pat Wellspeak, MAI, Wellspeak, Dugas & Kane; Ralph Richard, Savings Bank of Danbury; Joe DeMayo, Citizens Bank; and Alexander Van De Minne, University of Connecticut.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Breakfast Panel
Essex, CT– Over 35 members, guests, and sponsors of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors recently met at the Essex Yacht Club. A regular member business meeting was held, followed by cocktails and networking overlooking the Marina and Connecticut River, and ending with a relaxing dinner.

SIOR Chapter members, sponsors, and guests at Essex Yacht Club on the Connecticut River

L to R: Mark Duclos, Chapter Member and current SIOR Global President; Garry Holmes, SIOR Regional Director, Northeast Region;
Bryan Atherton, Chapter Secretary/Treasurer; Michael Guidicelli, Chapter President; Phil Gagnon, Chapter Vice President
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Fall Meeting
Branford, CT – Over 25 members, guests, and sponsors of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors recently met in person at the Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club. A regular member meeting was held, followed by cocktails and networking overlooking the Thimble Islands, and ending with a relaxing dinner.

Left to Right: Art Ross, Mike Guidicelli, Stephen Press, Louis Silva, Rich Evans, Joe DeMayo, Michelle Orr, Evan Koransky, Diane Petra, Mark Duclos, John Jensen, John Reed, Joe Wrinn, Tom Pajolek, Carl Russell, Lindsay Patsch, Bryan Atherton, Guido Petra, Bob Carr, Nick Morizio, David Brownell; Kneeling L to R: Bruce Wettenstein, Tom Hill, and Frank Hird.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Summer Meeting
Wallingford, CT – Several members, guests, and sponsors of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors were treated to spectacular weather for an early June golf event at the Farms Country Club in Wallingford.

L to R (top): Michael Guidicelli, David Brownell, Jeff Ryer, Pat Kelley, Savings Bank of Danbury,
Tom York, John Jensen, Mark Duclos, Ed Godin, and Tom Pajolek;
(bottom): Ralph Wilson, Savings Bank of Danbury, Joe DeMayo, Citizen’s Bank, Tom Hill,
Phil Gagnon, Vince Laurentino, Marriott, and Zack Mittelstadt, Sentry Commercial Intern.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Golf Outing
Storrs, CT – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors is pleased to announce recipients of scholarships for the Spring 2021 semester at the University of Connecticut. A total of $6,000 was awarded to five deserving UCONN students, all majoring in Real Estate and Urban Economics and all on the Dean’s List.

L to R: Anthony Riccio, Kevin Perrone, Nicholas Godfred, Daniel Boynton, and Cully Moore
May, 2021: Nicholas R. Morizio, CRE, SIOR, a 1974 UCONN graduate majoring in real estate and finance, was recently inducted into the University of Connecticut’s School of Business Hall of Fame. With over 45 years in the commercial real estate business, Nick is well into his fifth decade as one of the preeminent real estate brokers in Connecticut and western Massachusetts.

Please click here for the full Press Release: May 2021 Press Release
April, 2021: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Holds Spring Meeting IRL (in real life). The Connecticut/western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR held a luncheon on Friday March 26th at the newly constructed Zina's Cucina, at 17 N. Main Street Marlborough, CT. Several members and guests were in attendance, and all were delighted for the opportunity to safely gather in person again.

L to R: Bryan K. Atherton, CCIM, SIOR; Rich Evens, CIC (Chapter Sponsor), John Jensen, SIOR, Mathew Cholewa, Esq., Old Republic Title, Nicholas Morizio, SIOR, Tom Hill III, SIOR, CCIM and Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM (Chapter President).
Please click here for the full Press Release: April 2021 Press Release
March, 2021: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey. The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July 2020 through December 2020 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
It is important to note market activity continues to be impacted by the Coronavirus and government imposed restrictions. In general, survey results indicate a greater negative impact on the office market while the industrial market remains active with greater future prospects. This bifurcation of the market is more clearly reflected in the individual sector results than the broader market survey results. Survey results for changes in market conditions from the first half of 2020 to the last half of 2020 indicate improving market conditions (52%), stable market conditions (35%), and a decline (13%). Predictions for 2021 are 57% expecting improvement, 30% anticipating no change, and 13% expecting a decline.
Please click here for the full survey discussion: 7-20 to 12-20 SIOR Market Survey
Branford - September 2020 - The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently held their Annual September meeting at Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club. Twelve members attended the meeting and enjoyed al fresco networking and dinner while another ten members joining virtually via Zoom connection.

L to R: Art Ross, Outgoing Chapter President; Bernadette Blaze, Chapter Administrator,
Michael Guidicelli, New Chapter President

Chapter Members safely enjoying each other’s camaraderie at Pine Orchard
Click Here for the Full Press Release: SIOR Press Release 10/2020
Branford - September 2020 - The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR is pleased to announce its recipient of a student scholarship attending the upcoming Create 360 Conference, to be held virtually October 21 – 23, 2020. Stavros Filippidis, recent University of Connecticut graduate majoring in Real Estate and Urban Studies, will be attending the virtual event along with many other real estate students in the United States and internationally.
Click Here for the Full Press Release: SIOR Press Release 10/2020
Wallingford - September 2020 - Sixteen members and sponsors of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently met at The Farms Country Club for a socially distanced round of golf. Appropriately toned down a bit compared to outings in past years, the chapter attendees were delighted to participate in an event together playing The Farms course. A fun afternoon was had by all.

L to R: Ralph Richard, Ross Fingold, Chris Edge, and Jeff Ryer

L to R: Tom Pajolek, Tom Hill, Brian Mongelluzzo, Dave Gorbach
September 2020 - The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR is pleased to announce its recipient of a student scholarship attending the upcoming Create 360 Conference, to be held virtually October 21 – 23, 2020. Stavros Filippidis, recent University of Connecticut graduate majoring in Real Estate and Urban Studies, will be attending the virtual event along with many other real estate students in the United States and internationally.
Click Here for the full Press Release:SIOR Chapter Press Release 9-20
GLOBALLY – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR Continues Virtual CRE Chat Series: The chapter continues to bring together industry leaders and experts to discuss the issues and opportunities of this challenging times. Virtual meetings will be held most Wednesdays, beginning April 29th at 4:00 pm. Contact the Chapter Administrator Bernadette Blaze (bernadette@nhmrealtors.com) for a link to register - while these events are open to all, advance registration is required. Links to prior audio/video recordings are posted on this page. Scroll down for earlier recordings:
August 12 - Weekly Chat - Pat Wellspeak, from Wellspeak, Dugas & Kane discusses commercial property valuations in the COVID-19 era. He covers Office, Industrial, Retail, Residential and Hospitality sectors:
August, 2020: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January 2020 through June 2020 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Market activity was impacted by the Covid 19 virus and the voluntary shutdowns and government-imposed restrictions. The disruption had a greater negative impact on the office market then the industrial market as demand for industrial continued due to shifts to e-commerce and other reasons. Survey results for overall market conditions which include both office and industrial reflect the slowdown in market activity.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Market Survey - 1st Half 2020
GLOBALLY – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR Stays Connected During COVID-19. The CT/W MA Chapter of SIOR continues a strong tradition of providing member services despite the current crisis. The Chapter's ongoing virtual chat series brings area experts and thought leaders to membership discussing relevant CRE topics. Visit the Chapter Events page of the website for upcoming topics. Most are free and available to non-members.
In-person gatherings are still planned for the fall, beginning with the Chapter's golf outing on September 1st.
Click here to download the full Press Release: July 2020 Press Release
GLOBALLY – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR Introduces Virtual Weekly CRE Chat Series: The chapter is bringing together industry leaders and experts to discuss the issues and opportunities of this challenging times. Virtual meetings will be held every Wednesday from April 29th at 4:00 pm. Contact the Chapter Administrator Bernadette Blaze (bernadette@nhmrealtors.com) for a link to register - while these events are open to all, advance registration is required. Links to prior audio/video recordings will be posted here:
July 15 - Weekly Chat - Tim Lescalleet, from Griffin Industrial Realty, Inc on state of the industrial real estate market in Central Connecticut with remarks about other markets: Lehigh Valley, PA, Charlotte, NC, and Orlando, FL.
Slide Deck: Chat with Tim Lescalleet, Griffin Industrial, Inc.
Video Presentation: Carolina Tradeport
June 24 - Weekly Chat - Construction Panel discusses how has the CT design & construction industry responded to the current challenges of performing work regarding COVID-19.
Slide Decks:
June 17 - Weekly Chat with Dan De Clercq & Jennifer Gaggion - New Landscape in Office Design
June 10 - Weekly Chat With Ian Grusd & Kevin Spellacy of Ten-X
May 27 - Weekly Chat Featuring Attorney David Glissman
May 20 - Giving Old Buildings New Life Through Adaptive Reuse
May 13 - Armchair Conversation with Adam Winstanley
May 6 - Environmental Due Diligence in the Age of COVID-19 and Social Distancing
April 29 - Thoughts From The Lender Community
Shelton, CT – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR in conjunction with The University of Connecticut’s Real Estate Center recently held a reception at the Hartford Hilton, prior to attending a men’s basketball game versus Central Florida. The event was attended by over 40 chapter members, sponsors, UConn students & guests.

UCONN Students L to R: Stavros Filippidis, Randy Kaoud, Ben Goldstein, Xavier Cole, Jon Lore, Andrew Simard, Alex Botazzi,and Devin Pallanck

L to R: Frank Hird, Tom Hill, Phil Gagnon, Mark Duclos, Josh Gorman, Jed Backus, Bryan Atherton and Chris Duclos
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR/UCONN Basketball Event
February, 2020: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July 2019 through December 2019 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Survey results for market activity as well as forecasts were positive but with a subtle shift to stable conditions from increasing activity. The industrial sector continues to have a more favorable outlook both locally and nationally in part due to the growth in e-commerce. The office sector continues to lag behind with mixed forecasts which suggest a difference in market conditions between the sub-markets versus a consistent overall market trend.
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Market Survey - 2nd Half 2019
Shelton, CT – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently held its winter meeting at the Il Palio Restaurant in Shelton. Thanks to Rob Scinto and his firm, RD Scinto, for hosting and sponsoring our group in Shelton once again. Thirty-seven members, sponsors, and guests were in attendance for a regular business meeting, networking hour, and dinner.
Connecticut State Senator Joan Hartley made an appearance and addressed the group on the latest legislative efforts pertaining to the state’s Transfer Act initiative, in hopes of making existing regulations more user friendly.
Chapter member, and current SIOR Global President Mark Duclos, spoke to those in attendance. Mark provided an interesting high-level perspective of the organization globally, his personal experiences as Global President so far, and he talked about the growth of SIOR in North America and internationally without compromising on membership standards. Mark complimented members on the vibrancy of the chapter, and our sponsors for their level of participation in events and enabling us to deliver quality programing.

L to R: Chapter President, Art Ross, SIOR;
Global President, Mark Duclos, SIOR, CRE
February, 2020: The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors is pleased to announce recipients of scholarships for the Spring 2020 semester at the University of Connecticut. A total of $18,972 was awarded to six deserving UCONN students, all majoring in Real Estate and Urban Economics and all on the Dean’s List. The Chapter is proud of its long relationship with the Real Estate Center at the University of Connecticut. In memory of former members, Sam Pierson and Carl Traub, the Chapter has two scholarships in place that have funded awards to deserving UCONN students majoring in Real Estate for more than two decades.
Click here for the full Press Release: CT & W MA SIOR Chapter Award UCONN Scholarships
December, 2019: The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently hosted another industry breakfast panel event at The Farms Country Club. Featuring an environmental discussion focused on Connecticut’s Transfer Act changes and their impact on commercial real estate, over 100 professionals were in attendance.

L to R: Todd Andrews, Garrett Sheehan, Frank Hird, Pam Elkow, Jan Michael Czeczotka, and Rachel Rosen
Click Here for the full Press release: Portland & Environmental Panel PR
October, 2019: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Attend SIOR Fall World Conference in Portland, OR. SIOR conferences offer a full slate of keynote addresses and breakout sessions to enhance member knowledge of commercial real estate trends and topics.
At the conference, Chapter member Mark Duclos, SIOR began his term as president of SIOR Global.
Once again, the Chapter sponsored a UCONN Real Estate student - Alex Botazzi - giving him additional insight into the commercial real estate industry.

L to R: Keith Kumnick, Michael Guidicelli, Larry Levere, John Jensen, Tom Hill, Art Ross, Mark Duclos, Jeff Ryer, Frank Hird, Alex Botazzi, and Michael Di Nicola from the Czech Republic
Click Here for the full Press release: Portland & Environmental Panel PR
October, 2019: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR has an active September - The fall Chapter meeting was recently held at the newly renovated TPC River Highlands Cromwell Golf Club (home of the Travelers Tournament) where members received a tour of the new clubhouse by event sponsor and project general contractor Bartlett Brainard Eacott (BBE) and annual sponsor PES Structural Engineers, the structural engineering contractor for the project. After dinner, members were informed of current commercial real estate market conditions throughout the state by Associate Member Pat Wellspeak of Wellspeak, Dugas & Kane.

L to R: Art Ross, SIOR, Chapter President; Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM, Chapter Vice President; Dave Aucoin, PES; Gerry Holland BBE; and Phil Gagnon, SIOR, Chapter Secretary/Treasurer.
L to R: Art Ross, Pat Wellspeak, and Michael Guidicelli
The CT & W CT Chapter of SIOR is also a supporter of UCONN's Real Estate Center and the UCONN Foundation. The chapter sponsored and fielded a foursome at UCONN's annual golf tournament:
Representing the Chapter are L to R: Nick Morizio, Mark Duclos, John Jensen, and Dave Gorbach
The "Transfer Act Working Group" receives the 2019 Legislative Leadership Award from the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce - SIOR Chapter members have been an integral part of changes made to the Connecticut Transfer Act as part of the "Transfer Act Working Group". Changes to the Act made as a result of the Group's efforts will have a significant impact on the ability for some property owners to sell their properties. Further changes are anticipated in the 2020 session will further improve the marketability of Connecticut's commercial real estate inventory
L to R: Bill Sponsors State Representative Caroline Simmons, State Senator Joan Hartley & Frank Hird, SIOR accepting the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Legislative Leadership Award on behalf of the Transfer Act Working Group
Click here for more details: Chapter October Activities
September, 2019: Bridgeport, CT – Several members of the Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR participated in a service build day with Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County. Commemorating the end of World War II on May 8th, SIOR chapters around the country are hosting a variety of different service days in their respective communities.

Chapter members with other Habitat volunteers, and future home owners in Bridgeport
Click here for the full press release: SIOR Works With Habitat for Humanity In Bridgeport
August, 2019: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January 2019 through June 2019 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts. Survey results were positive and optimistic with results generally in line with the prior survey. No increases in negative or declining market conditions but there was a shift from improving market conditions to stable or unchanged market conditions.
Click here to read the full report: SIOR Semi-Annual Market Review August 2019
Branford, CT – CT & W MA Chapter SIOR holds it Summer Meeting - The chapter recently held its summer meeting at the Pine Orchard Yacht Club in Branford, CT. Chris Metcalfe, SIOR was recognized as the chapter's newest member, receiving the designation as an industrial specialist.
Rich Jankovich, Assistant Rail Administrator from Connecticut's Department of Transportation, presented information regarding CT's freight and passenger rail systems.
L to R: Rich Jankovich and Chapter President Art Ross
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Summer Meeting PR
Hartford, CT - Robert Carr, CEO, Zuvic-Carr, and Associates published in New England Real Estate Journal.
NEREJ recently published an article Robert Carr, SIOR Associate member wrote an article on how to take advantage of Infrastructure and Land Remediation within Qualified Opportunity Zones. To read the article, click here: Opportunity Zone Article
Hartford, CT - CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July 2018 through December 2018 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts. Market activity was healthy and future expectations are weighted towards stable or improving market conditions with limited expectations of declines. The industrial sector continues to have a more favorable outlook than the office sector which has lagged behind. Results for the office sector are mixed which suggests differing rates of progress in the sub-markets.
Click here for full survey details: SIOR Market Survey
Stamford, CT – CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Sponsor March Of Dimes Real Estate Award Breakfast - For the third year in a row, ten members of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial & Office Realtors attended the Fairfield County Real Estate Award Breakfast held at the Stamford Hilton.
The Chapter was proud once again to be a sponsor at one of the premier real estate events in Fairfield County. With 750 professionals in attendance, over $400,000 was raised, directly benefiting March of Dimes. This year's award honoree was Ed Tonnessen of Jones Lang LaSalle.

L to R: Mark Duclos, Art Ross, Elizabeth Kontomerkos, Bank of America, Dan De Clercq, De Clercq
Office Group, Bruce Wettenstein, Pat Wellspeak, Wellspeak, Dugas & Kane, Tom Pajolek,
Michael Guidicelli, Tim Breda, and David Fugitt.
Click here for the full Press Release: March of Dimes Press Release
Darien, CT – CT & W MA Chapter SIOR holds it Winter Meeting - Twenty-two Connecticut/western Massachusetts SIOR Chapter members, guests, and sponsors recently held their winter holiday meeting at Woodway Country Club. R.D. Scinto, Inc. graciously sponsored the event which included a regular business meeting, a Mexican themed dinner and drinks, and bowling.
Click here for the full Press Release: Winter Meeting Press Release
Denver, CO – CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Attend SIOR World Conference in Denver
October - Several members of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently attended the Fall World Conference held at the Sheraton Downtown Denver.
The Chapter was delighted to sponsor University of Connecticut senior majoring in real estate, Caci Rhuda, to attend the conference. Caci joined a number of other select student real estate majors sponsored by other chapters from universities around the country and the United Kingdom, along with 850 SIOR members, sponsors, and guests at the conference.

Chapter members L to R: Mark Duclos, Jeff Ryer, Bruce Wettenstein, Frank Hird, Caci Rhuda, Michael Guidicelli, and Art Ross
One of the highlights of the conference occurred during the Opening General Session. Mark Duclos, SIOR Global President Elect and Chapter member, moderated a lively discussion between CNN’s political commentator Paul Begala and Mark McKinnon, creator and co-host of Showtime’s The Circus.
L to R: Mark Duclos, Mark McKinnon and Paul Begala, Opening General Session
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR World Conference Denver
November 2018: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR hold Construction Panel breakfast at The Farms Country Club
Wallingford, CT – The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently sponsored an industry breakfast panel at The Farms Country Club, on current and future trends in construction.
David Genovese from Baywater Properties moderated a panel that included Scott Breig, Whiting Turner Construction; Melissa Sheffy, Network Interiors, Inc.; Guido Petra, Petra Construction; Phil Clark, Claris Construction; and Jim Rotundo, Godfrey-Hoffman Associates. Topics discussed ranged from shortages of labor, greater construction costs, increasing efficiencies by employing prefabrication initiatives, and the use of technology – 3D imaging and using interactive software to create concept designs. Over 40 real estate professionals were in attendance at the event graciously sponsored by the Town of Wallingford.

L to R: David Genovese, Scott Breig, Guido Petra, Melissa Sheffy, Jim Rotundo and Phil Clark
Click her for the full press release: SIOR Construction Panel
September, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter Holds Annual Meeting at the New Haven Country Club. The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR held its annual meeting on September 20, 2018. At the meeting, the 2018-2020 officer slate was elected and inducted: President - Art Ross, Vice-President - Michael Guidicelli, Secretary-Treasurer - Phil Gagnon. Following the dinner, Joe Caruso, Director of Real Estate, Yale New Haven Health System, discussed commercial real estate aspects of the health care system.
L to R: Michael Guidicelli, Tom Pajolek, Joe Caruso, Jeff Ryer, Art Ross
For more information, click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Chapter Annual Meeting
August, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Announce Results of Semi-Annual CRE Survey: The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January 2018 through June 2018 within Connecticut and western Massachusetts.
Responses were positive and optimistic but they indicate a slowdown in momentum in early 2018. Industrial continues to demonstrate greater strength than the office sector. The results also reflect some individual markets that continue to lag behind. Responses regarding overall market conditions were split between improvement (38%), decline (32%) and no change (32%).
Click her for the full survey results: SIOR Survey Results
June, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR Holds Summer Meeting in Old Saybrook
Old Saybrook: The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors recently held its summer meeting at the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa. Following a regular business meeting and dinner, the members shared a variety of market updates and overviews on a few interesting transactions from throughout the region.

Members at the Saybrook Point Inn L to R: Bryan Atherton, Bruce Wettenstein, Jeff Ryer, Tim Ryan, Bob Carr, Alan Fischer, Maura Cochran,
John Jensen, Ed Godin, Tom Hill, Frosty Smith, Tom Pajolek,, Art Ross, John Reed, Carl Russell, Mark Duclos, and Dan Barber.
Warsaw, Poland - Chapter members Frank Hird, Mark Duclos, and their families attended the SIOR European Conference held late June in the City of Chopin, more commonly known as Warsaw. In addition to a variety of first class panels, speakers, and networking sessions; the keynote speaker was Lech Walesa, former President of Poland and co-founder of Solidarity and Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Lisa Duclos (left) and Mark Duclos (right) share a warm moment with Lech Walesa following his talk.
New Haven, CT – The local Chapters of CREW, CCIM CT, and SIOR recently partnered for a mid-May program, called Demand for Technology Amenities on the Rise: How Technology is Influencing Real Estate Development. The well-attended program, held at the New Haven Lawn Club, was generously sponsored by Shipman & Goodwin LLP. Serving as panel moderator was CREW Co
May, 2018: SIOR/CCIM/CREW hold Joint Tech & Development panel Event in New Haven
New Haven, CT – The local Chapters of CREW, CCIM CT, and SIOR recently partnered for a mid-May program, called Demand for Technology Amenities on the Rise: How Technology is Influencing Real Estate Development. The well-attended program, held at the New Haven Lawn Club, was generously sponsored by Shipman & Goodwin LLP. Serving as panel moderator was CREW Connecticut President, Colleen Sheridan of RM Bradley. Panelists included:
- Darren Seid, Founder of Epimoni
- Ginny Kozlowski, CEO of Economic Development Corporation of New Haven and REX Development
- Juan M. Salas-Romer, President & CEO of NHR Group
- Karin Patriquin, Principal, Patriquin Architects
L to R: Karin Patriquin, Darren Seid, Colleen Sheridan, Juan Salas-Romer, and Ginny Kozlowski
Click here for the full Press Release: Tech-Dev Panel & GHAR Event PR
May, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Participates in UConn & GHAR Real Estate Alliance Event in Hartford
Held in early May, the Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR was pleased to be one of the sponsors for the UCONN Commercial Real Estate Alliance at the Hartford Marriott. The event attracted a sell-out crowd of 140 real estate professionals. The agenda consisted of an economic overview by Professor John L. Glascock, Director, UConn Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies, followed a Connecticut real estate panel moderated by, Mike Goman, Goman + York, Property Advisors, LLC and concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Greg Bordonaro, Editor, Hartford Business Journal. SIOR member Art Ross served on the panel discussion the industrial market.
Click here for the full Press Release: Tech-Dev Panel & GHAR Event PR
May, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Recognized at University of Connecticut's Real Estate Awards Banquet
Two Chapter members were recently recognized at the UCONN Real Estate Center’s annual awards banquet. Nick Morizio, CRE, SIOR was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award, honoring real estate professionals who have made sustained and meritorious contributions throughout their careers to the UCONN Real Estate program. Mark Duclos, CRE, SIOR received the Individual Partner of the Year award, which recognizes real estate professionals who have provided distinguished service to the UCONN Real Estate program and the real estate profession.
L to R: Art Ross, SIOR; Larry Levere, SIOR; Mark Duclos, CRE, SIOR; Bruce Wettenstein, SIOR; Phil Gagnon, SIOR;
Keith Kumnick, SIOR; Jeff Ryer, CCIM, SIOR; David Glissman, Esq.; Nick Morizio, CRE, SIOR;
John Glascock, Professor and Real Estate Center Director.
Click Here for the full Press Release: SIOR - UConn Award Banquet
April, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Attend SIOR Global Conference in Austin, TX
Several members of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently attended the Spring Society of Industrial and Office Realtors World Conference at the Fairmont Hotel in Austin, TX. The chapter was also delighted at the opportunity to sponsor University of Connecticut senior majoring in real estate, Will Golonka, to attend and participate in the conference with over 850 SIORs and industry professionals.

L to R: Michael Guidicelli, CCIM, SIOR; Will Golonka; Mark Duclos, CRE, SIOR;
Jeff Ryer, CCIM, SIOR;Art Ross, SIOR; Frank Hird, SIOR; Tom York, SIOR; and Larry Levere, SIOR
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR _ UConn Award Banquet
April 11, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Hold Spring Chapter Meeting
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently held its quarterly Spring meeting at Il Palio Restaurant in Shelton, CT. The meeting guest speakers were Rob Scinto, who discussed his firm’s current real estate developments in Shelton and the region including Fairfield and Mark Barnhart, Economic Development Director in Fairfield, also spoke about recent initiatives in Fairfield particularly transit oriented developments in Lower Fairfield County.
The chapter would like to extend its thanks to RD Scinto, Inc. for sponsoring the event.
Rob Scinto, RD Scinto Mark Barnhart, Town of Fairfield
Click here for the Press Release: SIOR Spring Meeting
March 12, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Host Finance Panel
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR hosted a breakfast finance panel at The Farms Country Club in Wallingford. The program, “Where to Get Dough”, the event featured industry experts representing all product types of commercial real estate lending in the regional market. Over forty commercial real estate professionals were in attendance.
Despite the recent uptick in interest rates, financing costs are still at historic low levels. The panelists expressed continued optimism with current capital markets and the desire to lend on all real estate classes, particularly multi-family and industrial. Pat Wellspeak, MAI from Wellspeak, Dugas and Kane moderated the panel which included:
- Steve Solecki, a Business Banking Market Manager & SVP at Bank of America
- Mark Cousineau, the President of the Community Investment Corporation (CIC)
- Jessica Bailey, the CEO & Co-Founder of Greenworks Lending
- David Glissman, a Transactional Attorney for MacDermid, Reynolds & Glissman
- Timothy Breda, a Principal & Office Manager at Goedeck & Co., LLC
L to R: Mark Cousineau, Jessica Bailey, Tim Breda, David Glissman, Steve Solecki and Pat Wellspeak.
Click here for the full Press Release: Where to get Dough
February 5, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Announce Market Survey Results
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July through December 2017 within the region.
SIOR survey results point to a continuation of the overall positive outlook established earlier in 2017. The industrial sector continues to outperform the office sector and overall the results indicate a market that is generally stable to improving although there is some negative outlook for the office sector.
Click here for the full Survey Results: SIOR Market Survey Results
January 11, 2018: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR & the CT Chapter of CCIM Sponsor March of Dimes "Fairfield County Real Estate Awards" in Stamford CT
For the second consecutive year, the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors sponsored a table at the prestigious Fairfield County Real Estate Awards Breakfast, recently held at the Stamford Hilton Hotel. An estimated 650 people were in attendance for the 22nd annual March of Dimes Fairfield County real estate event, which raised over $80,000 for the leading charity fighting for the health of babies and their moms. Click Here for the full Press Release: SIOR March of Dimes CRE Award Breakfast
L to R: Michael Guidicelli, SIOR, CCIM; Tom Pajolek, SIOR; Mark Duclos, SIOR; Jeff Ryer, SIOR, CCIM; Bryan Atherton, SIOR, CCIM; David Fugitt, SIOR; and Bruce Wettenstein, SIOR
October 3, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR & the CT Chapter of CCIM Holds Joint Continuing Education Sessions
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR & the Connecticut Chapter of CCIM held a joint CE session on October 3rd. Over 50 of the top dealmakers among both organizations attended the daylong event that consisted of environmental regulatory panel in the morning followed by a Legal Fair housing afternoon session. The chapters wish to recognize Sam Haydock, Principal with BL Companies; Bob Carr, Principal with Zuvic-Carr; and Pamela Elkow, Principal with Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP for the informative morning panel discussion and Eugene Marconi, legal counsel with BHHS for the always engaging and entertaining afternoon session. The sessions were sponsored by Ten-X.
Environmental Panelists (l to r) Pam Elkow, Carmody Torrance Sandak &
Hennessey LLP, Sam Haydock,BL Companies, Bob Carr, Zuvic-Carr.
Gene Marconi, BHHS
September 28, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Holds Fall Meeting at Essex Yacht Club
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR held their fall business meeting at the well appointed Essex Yacht Club overlooking the Connecticut River. The meeting was followed by dinner and an economic presentation by CERC economist Alissa DeJonge.

August 11, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Announce Market Survey Results
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period January through June 2017 within the region.
SIOR member responses regarding market conditions during the first six months of 2017 were positive and continued the trend established in late 2016. The industrial market leads and survey results show limited to no concerns about future price declines. The office market is still sluggish with concerns noted about the potential for future price declines. Predictions for the remainder of 2017 indicate stability with 68% anticipating no change in market conditions and 32% indicating improvement.
Members also reported details of recent significant transactions.
Click here for the full Survey Results: SIOR 1st Q 2017 Market Survey
July 7, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Attend Hartford Yard Goats Baseball Game
Hartford, CT: Approximately 30 members and guests of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently attended a Hartford Yard Goats game against the Trenton Thunder in the new Dunkin' Donuts Park. During the casual member meeting preceding the game, new Associate Members Tim Lescalleet of Griffin land Trust and Ralph DiCristofaro of ServPro of Enfield/Bloomfield were introduced and provided an overview of their firms.

L to R: Tom Hill, Brittney Gondek, Stephanie Romano, Jeff Ryer, L to R: Art Ross, Tom Pajolek, Larry Levere and Bob Carr
Joe Wrinn and Ed Godin
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Yard Goats
May 1, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Members Make Mark at the Spring World Conference In New Orleans
New Orleans, LA: Six members of the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors attended the Spring World Conference recently held at the Sheraton Hotel, in New Orleans’ French Quarter. During the conference a new slate of officers to serve the Society was elected. The Chapter is proud to announce the election of two of its members to national positions. Mark Duclos, SIOR was elected as Vice President; after serving a one year term as VP, Mark will serve as President Elect for a year before stepping into the Global Presidency of SIOR in the fall of 2019. Additionally, Frank Hird, SIOR was elected to a two year terms as Regional Director of the Northeast Region.

L to R: Jeff Ryer SIOR Chapter President, Frank Hird, SIOR, Art Ross, SIOR, Tom York, SIOR,
Mark Duclos, SIOR and Nick Morizio, SIOR
General Session speakers included Mary Matalin and James Carville, political advisors and pundits who provided an entertaining and candid discussion, in a session moderated by Geoff Kasselman SIOR Global President. Married and from opposite ends of the political aisle, the two provided their views of today’s American political landscape, particularly the growing polarization of the two parties. Click here to download the entire Press Release: SIOR Press Release - Spring World Conference
March 22, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR holds Tech-Talk event at the Quinnipiack Club in New Haven
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR hosted a technology educational panel and discussion, in New Haven Connecticut on March 22nd. Fifty-five real estate professionals attended the event, including SIOR Chapter members, other commercial brokers, lenders, and attorneys from around Connecticut.
The event featured SIOR Global President Geoff Kasselman, who provided a futuristic keynote presentation and then moderated a panel to comment on their diverse technology perspectives. The panelists included John Glascock, Professor & Director Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, University of Connecticut; Robert Santy, President & CEO of the Connecticut Economic Resource Center, a public and utility partnership which provides demographic and related data along with real estate site information; Wayne D’Amico of Xceligent/CommercialSearch, an emerging commercial real estate data base service; and David Genovese founder of Baywater Properties a developer based in Darien, CT, who recently used social media promoting a project undergoing zoning approvals.

L to R: Wayne D’Amico, Bob Santy, Geoff Kasselman, David Genovese, Jeff Ryer SIOR Chapter President, and John Glascock
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Tech-Talk Press Release
March 10, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR hold Spring Membership Meeting at the New Haven Lawn Club
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR recently held its quarterly membership meeting at the historic New Haven Lawn Club. The evening's speaker was Pat Wellspeak, a principal of the appraisal firm Wellspeak, Dugas & Kane who reviewed the commercial real estate market by sector and provided insights on future values and trends.
L to R: Pat Wellspeak; Jeff Ryer, Chapter President
Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR Spring Chapter Meeting
February 10, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Announce Market Survey Results
The Connecticut/ Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR announced the results of its semi-annual membership survey of commercial real estate market conditions. The survey is based on market activity for the period July through December 2016 within the region.
SIOR survey results point to a continuation of the positive trend established earlier in 2016. Responses have trended away from negative to either stable or improvement. In general, it indicates a market that continues to improve although the pace of improvement in the office sector is lagging behind the industrial sector.
Click here for the full Survey Results: SIOR Market Survey
February 10, 2017: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Award UConn Scholarships
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) is pleased to announce recent University of Connecticut Scholarship recipients for the 2016/2017 academic year.
A total of $10,200 was awarded to six deserving students from UCONN’s School of Business, all majoring in Real Estate and Urban Economics. The scholarships are funded from the Chapter sponsored Samuel F. Pierson and Carl F. Traub scholarships, with matching dollars provided by The SIOR Foundation.

Scholarship Recipients (L to R): Brad Canova, Kyle Ernest, Katherine Lynch, Katy Lepeturin, Nelson
Jayakar and Zitao Zhang.
Click here for the Press Release: SIOR P Awards UConn Scholarship
December 12, 2016: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR hold Winter Meeting At Stony Creek Brewery

L to R: Jeff Ryer, SIOR, CCIM, Chapter President, Art Ross, SIOR, Chapter Secretary/Treasurer, Dennis Hennessy, SIOR, Regional Director, Gabriel Silverstein, SIOR, NY Downstate Chapter, Kristin Geenty, SIOR, Chapter Vice President & Frank Hird, SIOR, Chapter Past President
On December 12, 2016, The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) held its winter holiday meeting and dinner at The Stony Creek Brewery sponsored by Zuvic-Carr & Associates. Forty-two members and guests were in attendance; including the SIOR Regional Director for the Northeast Region, Dennis Hennessy, of COR Brokerage, Inc., Syracuse, NY and The New York/Downstate Chapter President Gabriel Silverstein, of Angelic Real Estate, New York City.
Click here for the full press release: SIOR Winter Meeting
December 8, 2016
CT & W MA SIOR Chapter Sponsors the March of Dimes Real Estate Breakfast in Stamford, CT

SIOR chapter members in attendance at the March of Dimes Awards Breakfast L to R: David Fugitt, SIOR;
Dave Gorbach, SIOR; Jeff Ryer, CCIM, SIOR; Rob Scinto, SIOR; Joe Wrinn, SIOR; Tom Pajolek, SIOR;
Bruce Wettenstein, SIOR; Mark Duclos, SIOR; and Michael Guidicelli, CCIM, SIOR. Not shown - Tom Hill III
The CT & W MA Chapter of SIOR recently participated in the 21st annual March of Dimes Fairfield County Real Estate Breakfast in Stamford, CT as a bronze sponsor. Ten Chapter members attended the event which raised $438,000. Click here for the full Press Release: SIOR - March of Dimes Breakfast
October 24, 2016
SIOR recently capped its 75th anniversary year with a record breaking conference in New York City. Over 30 CT & W MA SIOR members attended the event which featured top notch speakers like Tom, Brokaw, Rudy Giuliani and Eric Qualman as well as programs and speakers addressing the top commercial real estate issues of the day and the future.
The conference started with a "ring" as SIOR members rang the New York Stock Exchange opening bell on October 19th. SIOR was sponsored by Stewart Title
The following is a link to the event: SIOR Rings NYSE Opening Bell.

SIOR President Geoff Kasselman (with camera) and Gabriel Silverstein (on his left)
prepare to open the Oct. 19th trading day at the NYSE. Ted Jones, Stewart Title (far left)
The 75th anniversary celebration started at the SIOR Spring World Conference with a fireworks laden gala on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Midway. At that time a symbolic torch began its worldwide tour of SIOR Chapters that ended with the CT & W MA Chapter and arrival in NYC. While with the Chapter, the torch highlighted projects including the new MGM Casino and Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield MA and commercial/industrial developments from Hartford to Stamford illustrating the area's vibrancy and strength. The torch was then flown around the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan before its arrival at the conference.
July 08, 2016: SIOR Sponsors Habit for Humanity Charity Concert

Bruce Wettenstein, SIOR (L) and Kristin Geenty (SIOR & Chapter Treasurer (R)
present Eileen Bakos of Habitat of Coastal Fairfield County (C) with the net
proceeds from the event.
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial
and Office Realtors recently sponsored an evening Blues concert at the Fairfield
Theatre Company to support Habitat for Humanity’s Veteran’s Initiative. A fun
evening featuring two spectacular artists, Jane Lee Hooker and SaRon
Crenshaw, performed original and cover rock as well as out-of-your-seat blues.
The event raised over $8,000 to benefit the organization.
Click here for the full Press Release:
SIOR Sponsors Habitat Fundraising Concert
July 08, 2016: CT & W MA SIOR Chapter Members Attend SIOR European Conference
CT & W MA SIOR Chapter members Frank Hird, SIOR, Chapter president and Mark Duclos, SIOR, CLC Speaker attended the SIOR European Conference held in London.Sitting in investment workshops moderated by renowned real estate and financial leaders, and networking with European colleagues as the historic BREXIT votes were being tallied, created lasting memories of the conference for both Frank and Mark.

Frank Hird, SIOR (L) and Mark Dulcos, SIOR (R) at the London Conference
May 16, 2016: CT & W MA SIOR Chapter Members Attend the SIOR Spring World Conference in San Diego, CA

On the Flight Deck of the USS Midway:
L to R - SIORs - Michael Guidicelli, Chapter VP Jeff Ryer, SIOR Speaker Mark Duclos, Art Ross, Chapter President Frank Hird, Larry Levere.
Members of the Connecticut / Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors attended the Spring World Conference, recently held at the Marriot Marquis Hotel in San Diego. Located on the San Diego Bay, in close proximity to the Gaslamp Quarter, Petco Park, and many other attractions this was the perfect location for the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors to celebrate its 75th Anniversary. The highlight of the conference was the Panattoni 75th Anniversary Celebration Party aboard the USS Midway, culminating with fireworks over the flight deck.
Click here for the full press release:
SIOR 2016 Spring World Conference
March 09, 2016: CT / W MA Chapter SIOR hold Spring Meeting

L to R: Frank Hird, SIOR, Chapter President, Dennis Hennessy, SIOR, SIOR Northeast Regional Director, Kristin Geenty, SIOR, Chapter Secretary/Treasurer and Jeff Ryer, SIOR, CCIM, Chapter Vice President.
The Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Chapter of SIOR held their spring meeting on March 9, 2016 at Il Palio restaurant in Shelton CT. The event was sponsored by RD Scinto and Regional VP Dennis Hennessy attended and Tim Breda from Goedecke & Company spoke to the members and guests following dinner about capital markets and recent lending trends.
For the full press release, click here: Spring Meeting Release
February 12, 2016: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Release Results of Late 2015 Market Survey
SIOR Chapter member responses indicate continued positive trends for the second half of 2015 with almost 2/3 membership noted improved market conditions. Click below for the full discussion on the survey and specific member transactions:
SIOR Market Survey - Second Half 2015
January 11, 2016: CT & W MA Chapter SIOR Award UConn Scholarships
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office
Realtors (SIOR) is pleased to announce recent University of Connecticut Scholarship recipients for the 2015/2016 academic year.
A total of $11,000 was awarded to four deserving students from UCONN’s School of Business, all majoring in Real Estate and Urban Economics. The scholarships are funded from the Chapter
sponsored Samuel F. Pierson and Carl F. Traub scholarships, with matching dollars provided by The SIOR Foundation.
Click here for the full Press Release:
SIOR Chapter Awards Scholarships